
Acksherley! No. 41 - Winter 2010


Acksherley! No. 41 - Winter 2010


Editorial - Alan Stone

From the Chair - Frank Shepperd

Postcards From...
Rye Fawkes Weekend - Shaan Everson
News from the Shropshire Hills - Robert Smart

A tribute to Jeremy Saville - Rev Ewen Pinsent
Malcolm Saville's place in the 'Golden Age of Children's Fiction' - Julie Hall
Snippets on Clun
Discovering Malcolm Saville - Armada Style - David Cook
How many Lone Pines have we grown? - Kim Spencer
A strange co-incidence - Rachel Everson
Good News for Peewits in Shropshire - Kim Spencer
Crossword - Sally Walker
An Appointment in London
Children's Festival Book Fair at Heston - Christine Harris
Evocative Images - Donald Lang

A Missing Scene
Jasper and Micah's Reunion. Part Three - Stephen Biggar

Society Updates
Editorship of Acksherley!
Back numbers of Acksherley! - Mike McGarry
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