
Acksherley! No. 44 - Spring 2011


Acksherley! No. 44 - Spring 2011



Editorial - Steven Handy


Forthcoming Events
Time to Focus
Face the Future - Sally Walker
A Moving Story - Bill Purvis
Secret in the Mist Episode Two

Main Articles
Line Clear! - Frank Shepperd
Poor Old Harriet - Martin Nicholson
A visit to A P Watt - Mike McGarry & Sally Walker
Strange Story review - Colin Harding
Espionage and Uranium in North Yorkshire - Stephen Bigger
Meeting Mr Saville - Mark Shelton
Serendipity - Leonard Timbrell
Danger of Snakes etc. - Tim Hall
The Forgotten Village of Mystery Mine - Gillian & John Sheail
Charles Wood (1902-1965), Believer in Children - Nicholas Wood

Compass Points
Shropshire Sketches - Norah Davies
News from the Shropshire Hills - Robert Smart
The Secret Diary of a Lone Pine Wannabe - Emel Youssof

In Print

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